SPMBC Missionary Ministry Mission
Our mission is to worship God in joyful fellowship, impact the community with much-needed and caring service, and invite all people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
Sister Janet Badger, President
Sister Kathy Harvey, Secretary
Sister Lillie Tootle, Treasurer
During the past holiday season, we provided 12 families with $35 gift cards and a Thanksgiving turkey. At Christmas, we distributed 3 boxes to needy families and 43 gifts to seniors in the community. Additionally we gave gifts of love to the widows and sick in the community.
Trustee Ministry Mission Statement
The Trustee Ministry will work with the Pastor, Executive Board, and church body/members in the management of church-owned properties, investments, and the financial and legal affairs of the church to support the mission and vision of Saint Paul Missionary Baptist Church.

The Trustee Board is taking the suggestions made by the church members regarding improving the church facilities. As a result, the parking lot has been paved, and the steps around the annex have been fixed. Additionally, improvements have been made to the interior of the church. Two large TV monitors have been installed, and the sound system in the sanctuary has been upgraded. Church services can now be watched on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom. The links to access these services are at the top of each webpage. Furthermore, you can conveniently contribute your tithes and offerings using the Givelify link on the webpage.

We have a vision to reach everyone through our Sunday School program. As people move in and out of our community, we re-adjust our programs to best meet the needs of our people who live here.
Sunday School Superintendent:
Deacon Brian Tootle
Natalie Standifer
Assistant Secretary:
Deacon Lula Payton
Kathleen Harvey, Adults
Young Adults
Deacon Russel Payton, Youth
The work of the church ushers is undergirded by scripture found in Psalms 84:10
"For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness."
Natalie Standifer
Natalie Standifer
Music has always played an important role in the worship of God's people. The Choir Ministry shares the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, encourages believers in their walk with Christ, and leads the congregation in worship.
"May the music we sing bring glory to the Lord and lift our hearts in praise!"
Choir President:
Felicia Smith

