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St. Paul M.B. Church has a rich and glorious history founded in 1800.  The church was originally located in Jones County.  At that time the congregation traveled by horse and buggy or walked.  It is not known who the Pastor was during that time.  The property for the church, where it now stands, was purchased from Abram Simmons and his wife Mary Jane Simmons on August 12, 1922.  The present church was built in 1926 under the leadership of Rev. Henry Rendal and at that time we only had one choir and everyone sang together mostly without a musician.  


Church service was only held on the 1st Sunday.  In those days communion was every three months at a 3:00 PM service.  Food was served after service.  Other churches were invited to share this service and families would bring food in baskets, served on tables made of wood planks.  Communion is now quarterly during our 11:00 AM service.


The church was a frame building, with no electricity.  There were wood heaters, oil lamps, lanterns, and outdoor toilets.  Since that time our church has been remodeled several times.  It was last remodeled in 1976 under the leadership of Pastor Leamon Dillahunt.


Besides our Pastor, Deacons, Deaconess, and Sunday school, several auxiliaries have been organized over the years that include the Trustee Board, Missionary Board, Joint Board of Ushers, and Junior and Senior Choirs.


Revival and Baptism has always been a sacred part of St. Paul life.  Once yearly, usually the last two weeks of August, the congregation would come together singing and clapping to old hymns such as "Good Bye Gonna Leave You Behind" and "We are Climbing Jacob's Ladder".  Baptism was held early in the morning on the first Sunday in September in the river.  Candidates, dressed in all white robes, white towels around their waist, and heads wrapped in white towel turbans, were led to the river as the congregation followed them chanting songs such as "Take Me to the Water". The Pastor and Deacons led the candidates into the water and baptism would take place.  Usually large groups of people were there to witness this sacred occasion. Before communion service later in the day the Mothers of the church would wash the feet of the candidates, following the example of Jesus, when he washed his disciples' feet.


Some of our activities include, Sunday School every Sunday morning; Homecoming the first Sunday in July, a joyous time when many family members that live away come home to join their friends and relatives in fellowship; Youth Day in March; Men and Women's Day August and November. Women's Day was replaced by St. Paul Day November 2009 and 2010.


The Senior Choir Anniversary is held in April; Junior Choir Anniversary in September, and the Missionary Anniversary in May. The Joint Board of Ushers under the leadership of Brother Richard Blunt has grown tremendously and celebrate their anniversary the first Sunday in October.


Our Fellowship Hall, built in July 1981, is used during the year for meetings and various religious  functions.


Saint Paul is affiliated with The East Carolina Missionary Baptist Progressive Association and E. C. P. Union.​  Some of the members of this church who were instrumental in organizing the Association include Mrs. Catherine Berry, Deacon Jacob Simmons, Deacon Roe Henry, Deacon Henry Stanley, Sis. Pearl Hicks, Sister Bertha B. Bush, Mrs. Alvania Saunders and Deacon David Saunders.


Pastor's who have served Saint Paul over the years include Rev. Wesley Lee Griffin, Rev. Shade Marsbum, Rev. Pridgen,  Rev. Taylor, Rev. K.P. Fisher and Rev. Leamon A. Dillahunt who served over 36 years.


Head Deacons have included, Deacon David Saunders, Deacon Henry Stanley, Deacon Dolcy Hicks and currently  Deacon Russell Payton.  Head of our Mother Board, later named Deaconess Board include Mother Mary Jane Simmons,  Mother Laura Stanley, Deaconess Bettie Randolph and currently Deaconess Mary Blunt. These people have been the spiritual leaders of our congregation over the years and we thank God for their wisdom and guidance.


In July of 2012 a loan was secured to renovate our Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall and other areas of our church. This work was completed by December 2012.


On May 3, 2013 a Youth and Education Committee was established with the following members: Sister Brenda Henry, Deacon Russell Payton, Deaconess Lula Payton, Minister Valerie McDuffie and Reverend Ida Thompson. This committee organizes activities for our youth.


On December 1, 2013 Reverend Dillahunt was made Pastor Emeritus of Saint Paul.


On December 19, 2014 Reverend Horace Brockington Sr. was elected as pastor of Saint Paul and was installed on March 1, 2015.


On December 10, 2018 Reverend Horace Brockington Sr. was re-elected as pastor of Saint Paul.


God has enabled Saint Paul to grow and prosper over the years and we give all the Glory and Praise to Him. This church and congregation has truly been blessed.


St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church has definitely come a long way!!


Thanks to Deaconess Mary Blunt, Deaconess Hilda Petifer, Sister Gloria Stanley and others for their assistance in gathering this information.


Our mission is to become North Carolina's premiere church for leading individuals into a Dynamic and Majestic relationship with Jesus Christ!


208 Perrytown Loop Road

New Bern, NC 28562





(252) 637-9697


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